Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pony Club - 27/11/2012

Arrrrr - forgot my helmet tonight, what a blonde....  Ginny was away this rally day so we had Patris (the new head instructor) as our coach. It was a bit frustrating to be honest. We were out doing cross country and Sky was beign quite nappy. When he was jumping though he was brilliant. It wasn't him I was having a problem with. Patris was VERY annoying, not letting us jump higher than intro (we've been doing Training all season), calling Sky old (he's not - he's ten) and then telling me he was to tired to jump anymore, I should take him back to the float (one of the most RIDICULOUS comments of the night, obviously she didn't see him bobbing up and down like a jack-in-the-box just before) However, any chance to practice over the cross country course at Massey is a learning experiance, so I had a good time (how couldn't I - I'm with Sky!) Hopefully Ginny will be back next week. xx

P.S. 28/11/2012 - Does anyone know how to get over a fear of needles at the dentist by friday? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Chelsea came last Thursday to do their feet, her last time before she has her baby. So excited to hear that she will be taking baby out with her, hopefully next time we will get to see him/her. She certainly is looking pregnant! They donkeys were great, Dauphine was standing the stillest I've seen her in ages. They were in need of doing, and despite lots of treating their seedietoe and thrush was as bad as ever! Hopefully the replacement farrier while Chelsea is away on maternity leave is just as good. :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pony Club - 20/11/2012

I was finally better and able to go the yesterday's rally. Not great though, still having trouble with my back and Sky was VERY lazy after not being ridden for nearly two weeks. We did showjumping, working on corners and lengthening and shortening the stride. Hopefully will be better next week. Fingers Crossed!!!!

Check out my Google+ Profile for more, mainly cute animal pics....

Monday, November 12, 2012

Aaaaaargghh!!! - 13/11/12

Had a very bad night last night, vomiting and nightmares, plus MORE back pains. Stayed home from school while I continued to vomit, so no Pony Club this night! :( Hopefully will be better soon, ready for the ribbon day this weekend or rally next Tuesday. Fingers crossed....

Update: Two days later an I'm still not great. No Ribbon Day for us this weekend :(

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Save Our Main Events Paddock!!!!

Massey Pony Club' Main Events paddock is on the plans that the Auckland City Council have proposed to rezone areas as a public park!!! Council staff submitted a draft plan to local henderson/massey board members with our 'Main Events' paddock rezoned as public park, which means we will lose our paddock that is essential to the running and well-being of our Pony Club.

Local board members voted to accept the draft and extend the submission period to a month and consult with equestrian groups in the area.

To lose our 'Main Events' paddock would mean that Massey Pony Club would be unable to run as the club it is today. Much of our land for events, rallies and general pony club use will be severely restricted if this plan goes through.

Believe it, or not, this is SERIOUS and as a group Massey Pony Club needs as much support as it can get from our members, organizations, businesses and other individuals.

PLEASE HELP US by making your submission to stop the council from taking this essential paddock from Massey Pony Club.

Click here to view the draft of the Te Rangi Hiroa and Birdwood Winery Estate Park and Recreation plan

Click here to download a submission form!

Click here to complete the submission online

Click here for some notes to fill in your submission!

Click here to download the signatures form!

Indian Tribal Tattoos

This a drawing that I did the other day of a horse (duh) based on the design of the indian tribal tattoos. Let me know what you think, I am thinking of doing some more.

Sorry about the quality, it scanned onto the computor funnily.

Beach Ride - 11/11/12

When for an awesome ride on the beach this afternoon with Sue Coleman. Both Maddison and Cassidy wouldn't ride, so just me and her. She rode her horse Summer and led Mike, Maddison's horse. Went down to the local Bethells (It was the first time I had ridden Sky at the Beach). Sky was very good, a few little spookies at ripples in the stream but by the end of it he was going through the surf up to his girth. Had a great time, but still not sure if doing the Karekare Beach Races are a good idea with my back. Hopefully me and Erica can go together sometime, now that I know he is fine there.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pony Club - 06/11/2012

Didn't have a very good rally last night. We were doing cross country with Ginny, but because of riding and falling off on Sunday, my back was really playing up. As soon as we had a tricky stride into a double, it just fell apart. Sky was excellent, but I was in so much pain! :( :( We left early, and got home to put the wheat sac on my back and have a Voltaran. Hopefully it will be better next week when we are doing dressage.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pony Club - 30/10/2012

Another GREAT rally with Ginny this evening. Did showjumping in the Massey Pony Club's Main Events Paddock (Save our main events paddock!) Did a small course up to 80cm, so no real challenge. Sky was quite naughty, acting like a slug and then taking of with his head in the air. Although the jumps were small, we did a lot of tricky combinations including a skinny. I was really surprised when we got through the whole rally without having any troubles with the cheveron. It certainly looked like the sort of fence that Sky would run out at. We did some tight turns, fortunately Sky is good at these as some less supple combinations came to grief!!! He is still quite strong, even with the copper roller, so I think I will try him in a grackle next rally. Forgot the martingale which was frustrating, as I ran the serious risk of having a Sky neck smacking me in the face. Went straight on to the float this evening, which was a relief, fingers crossed it will be the same next time.

Showjumping/Cross Country Practice day

The practice day certainly had it's ups and downs. Me and Sky had quite a spectacular fall at the cable systems rolltop fences after we tried the 1.05 one. He tripped coming into it and got stuck on top while I sumersulted over his head. He got himself unstuck and stood on my arm in his escape. Fortunately he wasn't lame however, just a bit shocked!!!! The rest of the cross country went alright though, with no major faults. Tried him in the grackle, it made such a positive difference!!! I will definitely use it in the future! Showjumping was good. Sky had a refusal at one of the the fences because  OMG, a PUKEKO flew out trying to maim him!!! After he had braved the pukeko we worked on lengthening and shortening the stride through the double. We got a comfortable two strides, and awkward one stride and a disastrous three strides. In the morning Sky was dancing around like a real prat, with his head up in the air being an idiot. In the end I took Sky out to the jumping paddock bareback and cantered until he stopped being an idiot. That was really fun, it is almost easier to ride his bucks bareback! All in all it was a great productive day, until Sky wouldn't get onto the float. Amanda came over to help any Sky eventually went in. He is really naughty like that, just trying us on. Had a great day - we certainly learnt a lot!